
Success Story

Helping the UK’s leading health tech company to modernize their patient engagement application

About the client


The client is the UK’s leading digital telehealth platform offering the world’s first peri-hab solution for all treatment pathways, with expertise in cancer care. The client aims at delivering better health outcomes for patients and lowering the costs of clinical complications. To enable the same, the client offers a hyper-personalized, digital health coaching application that delivers personalized support during patients’ treatment to help them recover better.


How the app works?

The app develops an all-encompassing health profile of patients, both physical and psychological, by utilizing real data and interaction with coaches. This comprehensive profile, which is continuously updated and refined, enables them to proactively identify and control health risks before they become severe.

  • 40% Rise in deployment speed for API & portal
  • 60% Increase in deployment speed for app
  • 20% Code coverage in TDD

Business Situation

The client’s existing platform had a lot of technical issues, burdened by an outdated architecture and numerous bugs in its codebase, leading to a fragmented user experience.

The development team had to manually make adjustments in AWS CodePipeline for each update & reset the Cloudfront cache every time they deployed a new version. These issues led to frequent downtime and production issues.

Additionally, the absence of a robust testing mechanism further exacerbated the situation, introducing significant risks to the production environment.

The client sought Daffodil’s expertise to:

  • Modernize the platform & introduce a range of new features to enhance user experience & patient engagement
  • Undertake UI/UX rebranding & provide an intuitive, cohesive & visually appealing interface
  • Upgrade admin portal for efficient issue tracking, patient record-keeping, and synchronization
  • Utilize AWS services for secure management and encryption
  • Reduce recurring bugs and improve system stability

The Solution

A cross-functional team of Daffodil’s dedicated developers, quality analysts, and DevOps professionals engaged with the client to understand the core needs. Recognizing the critical need for a solution, a multifaceted approach was taken to modernize and optimize various aspects of the healthcare coaching platform. The same included:


New home screen features

Several new features were added to the home screen such as:

◉ Symptom tracker
Patients could log their daily symptoms & moods. Coaches collaborated with patients on a timely basis based on the symptom reports.

◉ Health target
Patients could set personalized health targets, such as daily water intake and exercise goals through the health target feature. This allowed coaches to tailor recommendations to individual patient needs.

◉ Mood tracking
Patients can log their mood at any time throughout the day, providing valuable insights into their emotional patterns and triggers.

◉ Chat with your coach
This feature allows patients to ask questions, seek advice, discuss their progress, and receive personalized feedback from their coaches.


Chat interface upgrade & Front Chat integration
Front Chat integration was driven by the need for an interconnected system to optimize coaching processes. This significantly improved the coach-patient communication dynamic. Further, in the development cycle, the client requested to implement a new chat interface for both users and coaches with a threaded conversation system. The UI/UX of the chat screen was also made more intuitive and user-friendly, enhancing the overall interaction between users and coaches.


360° Rebranding
At a later stage, upon client’s request, Team Daffodil revamped the entire app’s UI with a modern, visually appealing design. This included entire updation of color schemes, typography, and graphical elements to create an aesthetically pleasing interface. Design elements were standardized across the app to ensure a cohesive and consistent look and feel. This consistency helped patients navigate the app more intuitively.


Upgrades in the Admin Portal

One of the fundamental improvements was the inclusion of an “Alert” feature that enabled coaches to access patient health conditions directly from the Admin Portal. Coaches could now mark alerts as unresolved, resolved, or resolve with reply, facilitating efficient & faster issue tracking and resolution. This enhancement ensured that important messages and issues were not overlooked.


Fitbit integration & authentication

Our team undertook a significant task of integrating Fitbit , overcoming a major hurdle related to authentication. Previously, the app’s data tracking functionality would become inactive after every 8-hour period.

However, we successfully resolved this problem, ensuring uninterrupted data tracking beyond the 8-hour window, thereby increasing the reliability of the data and enabling coaches to perform comprehensive analyses of past data.


Overcoming DevOps Automation Challenges

To resolve the DevOps automation challenges, Daffodil’s team backed the DevOps services with AWS Lambda, which is an event-driven, serverless computing platform for cloud applications.

To resolve the manual branch updation problem in the CI/CD pipeline, a Lambda function was used.

  • Comprehensive monitoring, logging, and alerting were done using CloudWatch
  • Ensuring security & cost optimized implementations

The Need for TDD (Test-Driven Development)

Initially, Test-Driven Development (TDD) was not a part of the project. However, recognizing its importance, Daffodil Software’s developers adopted TDD as a fundamental practice. This enabled them to implement TDD principles for the client and write test cases, greatly enhancing the project’s quality assurance process.


Regression Testing

To address the issue of recurring bugs, the team established a dedicated regression testing phase. This phase involved systematically retesting of existing functionalities after every code change or enhancement to ensure that no new issues were introduced. The introduction of regression testing significantly reduced the recurrence of bugs and improved the system’s stability.


The Impact

By addressing the initial challenges, the app became more engaging, accessible, and aligned with the client's goal of having a top-tier healthcare coaching platform. The enhancements to the Admin Portal, Chat Section, and Home Screen have collectively contributed to a more effective, user-friendly, and data-driven healthcare coaching platform. Our innovative solutions significantly accelerated the deployment process, resulting in a 40% increase in speed for API and portal deployments, and a remarkable increase of over 60% for app deployments. This has dramatically improved efficiency and productivity. This underscores the commitment and expertise of the development team at Daffodil Software in delivering transformative solutions quickly & efficiently.

  • 40% Rise in deployment speed for API & portal
  • 60% Increase in deployment speed for app
  • 20% Code coverage in TDD

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Let us understand your business objectives, set up initial milestones, and plan your software project.

At the end of this 30 min session, walk out with:
  • Validation of your project idea/ scope of your project
  • Actionable insights on which technology would suit your requirements
  • Industry specific best practices that can be applied to your project
  • Implementation and engagement plan of action
  • Ballpark estimate and time-frame for development