
About the Client

Established in 2019, our client is UAE’s leading comprehensive restaurant management solutions provider. Their clientele includes 700+ renowned restaurant chains such as Domino’s, Burger King, Subway, Nando’s, Paul, Dunkin’, etc. Their platform acts as a central hub for streamlining the entire lifecycle of restaurant operations - right from order creation, preparation & delivery to enhancing restaurant outreach & executing targeted promotions. Additionally, the platform caters to a wide range of restaurant models including standalone restaurants, franchises, and cloud kitchens managing multiple brands.




Food & Beverages

Business Situation

Our client was struggling with an outdated and inefficient architectural framework that severely limited the scalability of their products. The slow and cumbersome development and testing processes further intensified the issue, causing delays in rolling out new features and updates. As a result, the client couldn’t keep pace with market demands, maintain a competitive edge, and explore new growth opportunities. The client reached out to Daffodil Software to address these critical pain points.

Some of the key challenges the client needed us to tackle included:

Revamping the user interface of the client’s Kitchen Display System (KDS) for better visibility into restaurant workflows

Enhancing the client’s POS integration capabilities to streamline operations

Developing a comprehensive Developers Portal to enable seamless software testing for client’s partners and aggregators

Enhancing the performance of the client’s proprietary gScouts solution for improved competitor analysis & enabling real-time decision-making

The Solution

One of the key success factors for the project was how quickly our team could fully understand the ins and outs of the system—the faster, the better.

Our team of business analysts, UI/UX experts, and developers quickly familiarized themselves with the product’s architecture, processes, and workflows. Their deep understanding of the client’s industry-specific challenges, trends, and requirements allowed them to swiftly grasp the core issues and address the client’s most pressing business needs effectively.

Team Daffodil worked on several key areas such as redesigning the Kitchen Display System (KDS) to make it more intuitive and efficient, improving the POS system integrations for smoother operations, and creating a user-friendly Developers Portal to speed up development and testing. Additionally, we significantly enhanced the gScout analytics tool to help the client gain better insights into their competitors and market trends. These enhancements laid a strong foundation for scalable growth and the ongoing success of the client.

Here’s how we helped the client enhance their product’s capabilities and features:

Uplifting KDS UI for greater visibility into the order journey:

The Kitchen Display System (KDS) had a legacy design that offered limited visibility into the restaurant’s ordering and delivery process. To improve this, we carried out a complete redesign of the user interface, enhancing it to offer clearer and more detailed insights on the platform.

The newly revamped UI was much more intuitive and offered greater transparency throughout the order process. It enabled the kitchen staff to track and manage orders with improved accuracy, speed and efficiency. Key improvements were interactive order displays, smoother navigation, and enhanced real-time updates that facilitated faster prep time and better management of high-volume orders.

Elevating POS system’s integration capabilities:

The client wished to enhance the integration capabilities of their point-of-sale (POS) systems at the restaurants. Team Daffodil enabled an easy setup experience & facilitated real-time data exchange between the POS system and 3rd-party applications such as Stripe, Checkout.com, CheckIn, Squirrel, Foodics, Foodpoint, etc.

By streamlining these integrations, we eliminated the need for manual data entry, significantly accelerating service speed and minimizing the risk of errors. This seamless connectivity not only improved operational efficiency but also ensured that data across different systems remained synchronized and accurate. As a result, restaurant operators benefited from a more cohesive and responsive system, capable of handling transactions with greater precision and agility.

Developing a comprehensive Developers Portal:

To streamline the testing process for customers utilizing the client’s platform, Team Daffodil developed a comprehensive visual studio to test code changes in real-time. This enabled the client’s customers to perform UAT with pre-set test scenarios, run & debug the tests, and offer immediate feedback on whether the code would work as intended, without disrupting live systems.

Further, the portal utilized APIs for data communication, enabling users to input basic details to test their restaurant workflows.

Additionally, it helped with features like comprehensive documentation and single-click module addition.

Enhancing performance for client’s gScouts solution:

gScouts is the client’s proprietary analytics solution that aims at revolutionizing restaurant operations with a focus on competitor analysis. It offers a comprehensive view into the competitive landscape & enables restaurants to see how their delivery times, ratings, and menu offerings measure up against competitors.

Team Daffodil integrated ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes with gScouts to collect and load data from various sources into the system for comprehensive analysis. Additionally, Elastic OpenSearch was utilized to fetch and index vast amounts of data, offering users quick access to relevant insights and analytics.

As a result, restaurants using GScout could compare their delivery performance with their competitors more effectively, measure the impact of their strategies, and make informed adjustments based on real-time data.

The Impact

The partnership has solidified the client’s leadership in the UAE restaurant management sector. The collaboration with Team Daffodil empowered the client to significantly accelerate their development & testing processes, allowing them to roll out new features and updates at a much faster pace. This enhanced agility has enabled the client to respond swiftly to market demands, stay ahead of competitors, and deliver a superior user experience to their customers.

Owing to these successful enhancements, the client has further engaged Team Daffodil to work on a comprehensive integration module that facilitates swift integrations with various aggregators on the client’s platform, enhancing connectivity and allowing restaurant operators to leverage third-party services more effectively.

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Let us understand your business objectives, set up initial milestones, and plan your software project.

At the end of this 30 min session, walk out with:
  • Validation of your project idea/ scope of your project
  • Actionable insights on which technology would suit your requirements
  • Industry specific best practices that can be applied to your project
  • Implementation and engagement plan of action
  • Ballpark estimate and time-frame for development