
Enhance Dental Care Delivery through Multi-Functional Dental Software

A flexible and scalable, module-based dentistry solution designed to modernize your administrative tasks by incorporating a patient portal, AI-enabled tele dentistry, patient engagement solution, etc. It streamlines your dental practice management with the latest technology at its foundation.

How does our custom dental software propel your practice forward?

Custom HRMS
Flexibility & Scalability
Scalable & Adaptable
Data Standardization
CMMI Level 3 Complaint
Achieve Interoperability
Mobile First & Intuitive
Meet Compliance
Easy to Implement
Seamless Integration
Implementation in managed testing services
Combat Fraud, Waste and Abuse

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    Trusted by the best for their healthcare solutions.

    Build your dental software - Select a blend of modules or go full-suite

    Dental practice management software

    An intuitive solution designed for dentists to streamline operations, electronic health data management, treatment plans, clinical notes, etc. through easy and secure access to patient data. It aids in optimizing clinical and administrative workflows.

    • Intuitively designed with dental practice flow in mind
    • Convenient appointment management with smart calendars, automated reminders, waitlist management, etc.
    • All-inclusive view of patient data through patient charts, dental histories, treatment plans, x-rays, intraoral images, etc.
    • E-prescriptions & AI-based clinical recommendations
    • Graphical tooth charting for recording conditions, along with a voice-to-text feature
    • Secure billing and financial management
    • Custom reporting and analytics
    hr mgmt solutions

    Conversational assistant

    A 24/7 smart chatbot designed to assist patients with all their queries and doubts. A one-stop guidance for education, care plans, scheduling, deriving health data, analysis, etc. It improves patient engagement and overall practice efficiency.

    • Appointment scheduling assistance
    • Symptom checker and related recommendations
    • Insurance verification and addressing related queries
    • Addressing general FAQ on oral health and preventive care
    • Post-treatment follow-ups and care plans
    • Recommendation for educational material
    • Assisting practitioner in dental product buying journey (assessment, comparison, availability, etc.)
    • Aiding practitioners buy educational courses and view relevant materials
    hr mgmt solutions

    Comprehensive patient portal

    An easy-to-use digital front door, empowering patients to take charge of their dental health. Cater to every need of your patient by providing all dental health information in consumable formats. An efficient way to improve patient engagement, care coordination, and health outcomes.

    • One stop to manage & access health data, insurance claims, crucial documents, etc.
    • Systematic adherence and tracking of medical treatments
    • Hassle-free appointment scheduling online (tele dentistry) and offline through smart calendars
    • Personalized dashboards for a holistic view of health
    • Efficient communication through chatbots, push notifications, SMS reminders
    • Personalized dental care plans
    hr mgmt solutions

    Intuitive AI-enabled tele dentistry

    An advanced, smart solution to instantly connect with your patients anytime-anywhere. An AI-enabled platform designed to enhance the efficiency of dental care delivery, improve patient experience, and streamline administrative tasks.

    • Secure video conferencing along with virtual waiting rooms
    • AI-enabled provider transcript and integration with wearables
    • AI-assisted diagnostics for analyzing X-rays, CT scans, and other images
    • Automated appointment reminders and confirmations
    • Predictive analytics for patient retention, no-shows, etc.
    • NLP-based clinical notes interpretation & sentiment analysis
    • Personalized AI-Avatars
    hr mgmt solutions

    Secure billing and claim management

    A safe and secure solution designed to streamline financial transactions among the dental clinic, patients, and insurance companies. It encompasses a range of functionality that ensures efficient, accurate, and compliant billing processes.

    • Flexible billing options, automated calculations, payment plan management
    • eClaims, pre-authorization, and predetermination of benefits
    • Compliant with required regulatory standards and compliances (HIPAA, GDPR)
    • Integration with financial reporting tools to facilitate custom dashboards/reports
    • Role-based access and control
    • Automated follow-ups and alerts for pending dues
    hr mgmt solutions

    Why Daffodil’s customizable dental software?

      • Designed By Physicians
      • Compliance
      • Value-based Care
      • Interoperability
      • Patient Engagement
      • Future Ready
      • Intuitive
      • Specialty Specific
      • Daffodil's Dental Software Solution
      • Designed By Physicians Co-created with medical experts ensuring practical workflow alignment.
      • Compliance Built with a focus on meeting global compliances rather than just geography specific.
      • Value-based Care Optimized for value-based care models to enhance patient outcomes and reduce costs.
      • Interoperability High interoperability with seamless HIE across healthcare systems.
      • Patient Engagement Features robust patient portals and telehealth tools to keep patients informed and involved.
      • Future Ready Enable exceptional care with advanced AI transcripts, Sentiment Analysis and Clinical Decision Support.
      • Intuitive Highly intuitive with user-centric design, easy navigation, & personalization.
      • Specialty Specific Tailored to meet the unique needs of various medical and dental specialties.
    • Daffodil's Dental Software Solution
    • Other Dental Software
    • Designed By Physicians
    • Co-created with medical experts ensuring practical workflow alignment.
    • May not have direct physician input, potentially affecting usability.
    • Compliance
    • Built with a focus on meeting global compliances rather than just geography specific.
    • Built to meet only geography specific compliances.
    • Value-based Care
    • Optimized for value-based care models to enhance patient outcomes and reduce costs.
    • May not be fully optimized for value-based care, affecting efficiency.
    • Interoperability
    • High interoperability with seamless HIE across healthcare systems.
    • Interoperability can be limited, hindering data-sharing capabilities.
    • Patient Engagement
    • Features robust patient portals and telehealth tools to keep patients informed and involved.
    • Patient engagement features may be basic, offering less interaction.
    • Future Ready
    • Enable exceptional care with advanced AI transcripts, Sentiment Analysis and Clinical Decision Support.
    • May lack advanced tools, impacting the quality of care provided.
    • Intuitive
    • Highly intuitive with user-centric design, easy navigation, & personalization.
    • User experience may be less intuitive, leading to a steeper learning curve.
    • Specialty Specific
    • Tailored to meet the unique needs of various medical and dental specialties.
    • Often generic, requiring additional customization for specialty care.

    Keeping up with your critical needs for custom dental software

    • Meet Compliance Requirements – Meet a wide array of standards, including those specific to the United States (HIPAA, CMS), Europe (GDPR, NHS), and Southeast Asia (MOH).
    • Normalized FHIR structured data – Break data silos by normalizing unstructured dental data into a structured FHIR format. It helps in formulating a comprehensive data repository giving way to unexplored insights.
    • Essential integrations – Integrate digital imaging, diagnostic tools, dental labs, inventory, financial reporting, etc. for a holistic and accurate view of patient health information.
    • Role-based access management – Utilize guided frameworks to keep critical health information secure. It helps in meeting compliance, privacy, or confidentiality requirements.
    • Communication management – Ensure seamless communication between dentists and patients through bulk message scheduling, multi-channel communication, end-to-end messaging, etc.
    • Digital smile design – Create 3D photos and videos of every angle of the mouth. It helps in improving diagnosis, predictability, and dentist-patient communication.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • What modules are included in the custom dental software?

      Our custom dental software includes several key modules to enhance your dental practice operations:Comprehensive Patient Portal: It offers a user-friendly interface for patients to manage health data, schedule appointments, and access personalized care plans. It improves patient engagement and communication through various digital tools.Dental EHR/EMR: Tailored for dental practitioners, this module streamlines patient data management, treatment planning, and clinical documentation with intuitive features like graphical tooth charting and AI-based recommendations.Intuitive AI-Enabled Tele dentistry: It connects dentists and patients remotely with AI-enabled diagnostics, predictive analytics, and AI avatars, improving care delivery and patient experience.Secure Billing and Claim Management: Simplifies financial transactions and insurance claims with flexible billing options and compliance with regulatory standards, enhancing the billing process's accuracy and efficiency.Conversational Assistant: A 24/7 chatbot that assists with appointment scheduling, health condition pre-screening, educational assistance, and insurance verification, providing multilingual support for diverse patient needs.These modules work together to improve provider productivity, patient care, and administrative efficiency in dental practices.

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    • Can we integrate any particular module with existing dental practice management software?

      Absolutely, our modules are designed to easily integrate with your existing practice management software with minimal disruptions. You can choose to add any specific module or a set of modules to enhance your practice’s functionality. Also, if you are looking to upgrade your entire system, we offer a comprehensive full-suite solution.For tailored integration or to discuss your practice's needs, feel free to contact us.

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    • What is the cost of the custom dental software?

      The cost of custom dental software can vary widely depending on your specific requirements and the features you need to include. As every dental practice is unique the investment will be based on your specific requirements. There are multiple factors that influence the cost.To understand in detail, consider the variables mentioned below:- Scope of the Software: The breadth and depth of functionality you require, such as patient management, billing, tele dentistry, and AI-enabled features. - Customization Level: The extent to which the software is adapted to fit your workflow, branding, and specific practice needs. - Integration Complexity: The effort required to seamlessly integrate the software with your current practice management systems, imaging software, and third-party applications. - Compliance and Security: Ensuring that the software meets all regulatory requirements such as HIPAA, and GDPR, which can affect development complexity and cost. - User Base: The number of users and the scalability needed to support your practice as it grows. - Support and Training: The level of training and support your team requires to effectively use the software.To get a detailed quote for your custom dental software, we recommend scheduling a consultation with us.

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    • What is the development process of dental software?

      The development process of custom dental software is a structured approach that ensures your practice's unique needs are met with precision and efficiency. Our methodology typically includes the following key phases:1. Discovery and Planning: Understanding requirements and defining a clear project scope.2. Design and Prototyping: Drafting initial designs and prototypes with a focus on intuitive UI/UX and visualizing the software’s functionality and flow.3. Development: Developing the core features and functionalities tailored to specific requirements by utilizing agile methodologies for continuous improvement. 4. Integration: seamless integration with existing systems or third-party tools to ensure smooth data flow and interoperability within your dental practice.5. Testing and quality assurance: Thorough testing to assess functionality, performance, security, etc. to ensure the software meets all requirements and standards.6. Deployment: Post passing all testing phases, a smooth deployment with minimal disruption to your operations.7. Training and support: Comprehensive training and ongoing support to maintain proper functioning and address any future requirements.8. Maintenance and updates: Regular maintenance to keep the software running optimally. Keeping up with dental technology trends and regulatory compliance updates.

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    • Who will hold the ownership rights to the custom dental software solution once it is developed?

      Upon the completion of the custom dental software solution, complete ownership rights are transferred to you. As the solutions are designed and developed specifically to cater to your unique needs, you gain full control of them. This empowers you with the authority to modify, enhance, and manage the software.

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